
Always think and do good because ill thoughts will poison your life

Saibaba think good
Written by venkatraman

Sairam friends,

I went to Sai Baba temple and was in Dwarakamai for few minutes last night. I came home and while I was about to sleep, I felt like Baba wants me to hold his little statue in my palm. I kept remembering Sai and slept off. I had a dream as if a man is mixing some toxic liquid in a tin. I tell him “This is not safe for my parents.So please keep this toxic in a bottle.”

The man responds to me but I don’t remember what he said. I just know one thing for sure.

When our mind develops any ill thoughts or if others think evil for us, its equal to drinking poison.

If you wish to make Sai Baba happy, forget all bad thoughts and ill feelings on others.

Its natural for everyone to have such thoughts which damages oneself and others. You only must not let such thoughts grow in you. Cut of the bad thoughts as soon as it emerges in your mind and repeat the following words

“Sai has made me think and do good.”

The below Baba pooja is done by Aradhana das

Saibaba think good

Saibaba says “Think Good”

Anyway, I will be reaching Mumbai on Friday evening. Thanks for some of you who had invited me to their home or requested me to meet them. I will try my best friends. One of the reason I left Mumbai is because I get really irritated to take Local trains but we are dependent on it. Life is more peaceful in small city like Coimbatore.

I am in hurry now

Let’s always think and do good

Aum Sai Ram


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